The Crimean Peace Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute”) is proposed to promote a peaceful settlement and support the peace efforts between Ukraine and Russia; European Union and Russia; and the USA and Russia. The Institute will support peaceful research and the dissemination of information about the world through publications, exhibitions, conferences and coordination with other world institutions.
A recognized leader in the field of international diplomacy will be invited as the chief director of the institute, and a professional will be appointed as the executive director. Members of the Administrative Council will include representatives of veteran organizations, military organizations, leading scientists in fields such as political science and diplomacy, leading politicians, leaders of various religious organizations and other organizations that will be interested in the work of the Institute.
The institute will be located in Yalta, Crimea to take advantage of the historic role of the Yalta Conference and help develop Yalta and Crimea. The institute will be associated with the Crimean National University named after Vernadsky, its branch "Crimean Humanitarian University" and its tourism department, Magarach Wine Institute and other organizations of interest to the institute. The Institute will strive to be self-sustaining, relying on domestic and international donors and tourist income.